Renowned for playing John Munch in ‘Homicide: Life on the Street,’ the police procedural television series and in ‘Law & Order: Special Victims Unit,’ the crime drama television series, Richard Belzer started his career as a stand-up comic at Pips, Catch a Rising Star and The Improv. During the late 1970s and early 1980s he also starred as an occasional actor in films. He is renowned for playing roles in ‘Night Shift,’ the comedy film, ‘Fame,’ the teen musical drama film, ‘Scarface,’ the crime film and ‘Cafe Flesh,’ the post-apocalyptic cult pornographic science fiction film. He has appeared on various television shows and series, including ‘The Flash,’ where he appeared as a news reporter and anchor, and ‘Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman,’ the television series where portrayed Inspector William Henderson. Some of his other popular film credits include, ‘The Groove Tube,’ ‘Santorini Blue,’ ‘Night Shift,’ ‘The Wrong Guys,’ ‘Get on the Bus,’ ‘Fletch Lives,’ etc.