Mike Judge is renowned as the creator of the American adult animated television series, ‘Beavis and Butt-Head.’ He has also co-created various television series, including ‘The Goode Family,’ ‘Mike Judge Presents: Tales from the Tour Bus,’ ‘King of the Hill,’ and ‘Silicon Valley.’ He is also known for directing and writing films like, ‘Idiocracy,’ ‘Beavis and Butt-Head Do America,’ ‘Extract,’ and ‘Office Space.’ He is also accredited for developing ‘King of Hill’ that gained critical acclaim, was a hit with the audiences and also garnered him with a ‘Primetime Emmy Award.’ In 2009, he created ‘The Goode Family,’ that earned mixed reviews and was called-off after thirteen episodes. Judge went on a hiatus of four years and made a comeback with ‘Silicon Valley,’ which not only earned critical acclaim but also garnered him with ‘Satellite Awards’ and two ‘Critics’ Choice Television Awards.’ Some of his other works include, ‘Action Point,’ ‘Frog Baseball,’ ‘Spy Kids,’ ‘Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams,’ etc.