Hank Azaria is renowned for ‘The Simpsons,’ an animated television sitcom for lending his voice to various characters. He has gained global recognition for his live-action performances in various movies, including ‘Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian,’ ‘Godzilla,’ ‘Along Came Polly,’ ‘The Birdcage,’ ‘Shattered Glass,’ ‘Mystery Men,’ ‘Run Fatboy Run,’ ‘The Smurfs’ and ‘America's Sweethearts.’ He has also starred in ‘Brockmire’ as the title character. Azaria is seen doing recurring roles in a number of television series, including ‘Friends,’ and ‘Mad About You.’ He was seen in ‘Spamalot,’ a popular stage musical. He starred in ‘Huff,’ where he played the lead. He has also appeared in dramatic roles that include television films like ‘Uprising’ and ‘Tuesdays with Morrie.’ For his phenomenal performances he has earned a ‘Screen Actors Guild Award’ and six ‘Emmy Awards.’