A multi-faceted talent, Chico Marx was the oldest brother and one of the members of ‘Marx Brothers.’ He played the role of an uneducated yet charming con artist who sported a curly-haired wig and wore shabby clothes in the act. Besides, being a performer, he played a prominent role in developing and managing the act in its early years.
Some of his notable works include ‘A Day at The Races,’ ‘Monkey Business,’ ‘Go West,’ ‘Duck Soup,’ ‘Animal Crackers,’ ‘A Night at The Opera,’ ‘The Cocoanuts,’ ‘Horse Feathers,’ ‘A Night in Casablanca,’ ‘The Story of Mankind,’ ‘At the Circus,’ ‘The House That Shadows Built,’ and ‘The Incredible Jewel Robbery.’
‘Love Happy’ was the thirteenth and the final feature film by Marx Brothers, in which Chico played a violin duet and piano.
Freedonia is on the brink of a revolution and in the middle of a financial crisis. Rufus T Firefly is appointed as President by the government in order to gain a bail-out from the wealthy Mrs Teasdale. The bordering nation of Sylvania senses the weakness in the leadership of Freedonia, and sends in the spies Chicolini and Pinky to prepare for a revolution. The countries are on the verge of an all out war as Sylvanian ambassador and Firefly lock horns.
Opera soprano Rosa, though leading-lady of tenor Rodolfo, is in love with unknown but better tenor Ricardo. As the opera company voyages from Italy to New York, manager Otis, with friends Fiorello and Tomasso, help Ricardo travel as stowaway. Now Otis and friends have to evade authorities who are after stowaway, and also arrange for Ricardo to replace Rodolfo as leading tenor.
Bob and Horatio are two brothers who are running a traveling circus, and doing quite well, despite their different personalities. They soon find themselves attracted to a lovely girl, whose uncle asks them to provide her a job.
A Day at the Races is a comedy sports musical film which tells the story of Hugo, a veterinarian, who poses as a doctor, and teams up with a singer and his friends, in his struggle to save a sanitarium in New York.
Shortly after Professor Quincy Adam is appointed as the new president of Huxley College, his son Frank convinces him that the football team needs to appoint two professional footballers, if they want to have a chance against their rival school.
Four stowaways hide in barrels in the cargo of a ship, but they are soon discovered, after which the naval officers attempt to chase and arrest them. However, things get complicated when they soon get mixed up with gangsters.
Mr. Hammer is running a bankrupt hotel in Florida, and he is always trying to come up with various schemes to make his business a success. Things get complicated when he gets involved with a group of jewel thieves.
Ronald Kornblow, a former motel proprietor, is hired to run a hotel whose previous managers have all ended up dead. Despite the dangers, he decides to accept the job. Meanwhile, a French soldier named Pierre begins to suspect the involvement of ex-Nazis, but he is soon himself accused of collaborating with the enemy. Along with his girlfriend, he attempts to prove his innocence.
The Marx brothers try to help a circus show owner escape from a loan shark, with the help of a cunning lawyer.
S Quentin is a conman who is heading west hoping for a better future. However, he is ten dollars short for a train ticket. At the station, he encounters two brothers named Joseph and Rusty, and attempts to swindle their money. However, the two are also con men and they swindles Quentin’s money instead.
The Marx Brothers are about to be evicted after their landlord discovers that they have run out of money. Therefore, to confuse their landlord, they pretend that the author of the play has contracted a terrible disease, and therefore, he can’t be moved. Meanwhile, they also try to find someone to back their new play.
Loosely based on Hendrik Willem van Loon nonfiction book of the same name, this movie has a devil and an angel acting as prosecutor and defender respectively in the Great Court of Outer Space. The argument revolves around whether to allow humanity to continue existing despite its faults or let it get destroyed by the Super H-bomb invented by earth scientists.