Ayumi Hamasaki made her acting debut in the 1993 television series ‘Twins Teacher,’ where she played the role of ‘Momo Tachibana.’ That same year, she also voiced ‘Yuri Sakazaki’ in the Japanese animated television film ‘Battle Spirits Ryūko no Ken,’ directed by Hiroshi Fukutomi. In 1995, she portrayed ‘Hitomi Tabata’ in the television drama series ‘Miseinen’ directed by Yoshida Ken, Kaneko Yoshikazu, and Kato Hirotake. The same year also saw the release of the Japanese drama film ‘Like Grains of Sand’ where she played the role of ‘Kasane Aihara.’ The film won the ‘Torino International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival Award’ for Best Feature Film. The following year, she appeared in the Japanese film ‘Gakko II,’ directed by Yoji Yamada. The film was Japan’s selection for Best Foreign Language Film at the 69th Academy Awards. However, it failed to make it to the final list. In 2002, she starred as ‘Minamo’ in the short drama film ‘Tsuki ni Shizumu,’ directed by Isao Yukisada. She was last seen in the 2007 short film ‘Distance Love.’ The film is based on her two songs named "Glitter" and "Fated."